Sunday, March 11, 2012





Sunday, March 11, 2012.

Thank you Lord!  My first blog on the day my blog site opens.  It is also Selection Sunday as well for you Basketball fans.  I myself am a huge basketball fan.  For those basketball teams heading to the tournament they need to be at the top of their game.  That quest to be at their best started last summer.  Many believe at this time of the year the coach should run his players into the ground and that hard work increasing will automatically increase the team's chance at greatness.  This is a myth.  Rest is the key to playing at your best in these tournament games.  For those teams they are what they are now.  Increasing performance and working super hard to be in seasoned shape and tip top performance happens in the off season for the individual and in the preseason for the team.  As the season goes on your team should progress in its performance and the goal is to be at your best in March, and for some, April. 

The same can be applied to our fitness work.  Using my Pushups as an example every year at May 29 since 2006 has been the start of my Pushup regiment year.  Three to four times a week I do Pushups throughout that day and this continues all the way until Spring Break.  I know I need to have my body healthy and rested throughout the Pushup year so I can have my best performance when I am on Spring Break, which is like the Super Bowl/Final Four of My Regiment year.  Eating and sleeping right, which I will elaborate more on in future blogs, is the key.  So this is a tip I give for those setting goals and wanting to achieve high fitness levels, and that is find a certain date to start your workouts and find a later date of when you will want to have your Super Bowl/Final Four.  Going back to my first season in my Pushup regiment for example in 2006-07 I would be doing 500 Pushups a day 3-4 times a week.  Eventually my strength and stamina increased and it went up to 750, then 1,000.  By Spring Break 2007 I did 1,100 Pushups from 11:40 AM CT - 12:40 PM CT on Wednesday, April 4, 2007.  Over the years I have progressed as well.  In the 2010-11 Pushups Season I vowed to perform every scheduled workout on my calendar for that season and to do 1,000 or more Pushups inside 60 minutes each workout.  Friday, April 1, 2011, on a beach in Los Angeles the goal was more than complete as I completed 1,100 of them. 

So in my blogs I will give key tips on helping and informing you with reaching your desired fitness levels.  I will also touch base on the spiritual side of it as many aspects in life are key to reaching your goals.  To close, its a beautiful warm day here in Northwest Indiana today and I for one will go enjoy it.  God Bless!



Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Welcome back JZ Pushups fans.  I would like to dig more into the Pushups route and how it relates to pro athletes.  Well for one doing 1,000 Pushups in a day and having a Workout regiment on it, and definitely doing 1,000 or more Pushups in 60 consecutive minutes, are pro sports level in itself.  Could Kobe Bryant do 1,000 or more Pushups inside of one straight hour?  What about Shaquille O'Neal?  Well until you give me proof that they have then the answer to that is no.  Two former pro athletes that I know work on Pushups are Ricky Henderson and Herschel Walker. 

Back in the Summer of 2002 when watching a FOX Saturday Baseball game, the Red Sox were on and they started talking about their current Red Sox Ricky Henderson.  Something they talked about him I took close notice of.  The announcers started talking about how Ricky Henderson would do Pushups and Situps instead of Weight lifting like most other Baseball players.  According to sources:  Henderson himself said he can do 65-100 in a row.  He also has done 1,000 in a day or 500 in a short period of time.  He simplifies this as well, just do five sets of twenty to get to 100, or twenty sets of ten to get to 200.  Henderson has outlasted many of his Baseball companions by sticking to this exercise routine...and the proof is All Time Stolen Base Leaders, World Champion with the Oakland A's in 1989, and a career that lasted 1978-2003.  That's Incredible!

Herschel Walker as well has made a living off of Pushups.  The guy has a physique that is a fitness museum.  Thing is he didn't need to bench press a truck like many of these other athletes do to gain that physique and great conditioned athletic temple.  Since High School Walker has done a Fitness Regiment that includes daily performances of 750-1,500 Pushups and 2,000-3,500 Situps.  Walker had a Hall of Fame Football Career (inducted in 1999) and has racked up many accolades over his lifetime.  However, the first thing he is famous for is his great workout regiment.  Many Fitness and Workout videos over time feature Herschel Walker.  Walker also goes for eight mile runs at times in his regiment.  He has recently taken up an Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) career and despite being 50 years old he could pass for his twenties with his fitness levels.  The regiment is a reason why Walker is doing very well at the MMA level.  As a matter of fact he is undefeated at 2-0.  Many other MMA fighters stick to a training regiment similar to Walker's.  No weights or other high tech machines needed, just the heart, desire, and discipline to do these exercises.


There are other athletes that have come to use Herschel Walker's and Ricky Henderson's Pushup Workouts.  Walter Payton would do Pushups as well and make the short trip to Chicago suburb LaPorte County and run up the tall and steep Sand-Dune called Mt. Baldi.  Pushups are a great way to keep your body in great shape.  It's a free exercise as well.  So put away your wallet because no need to purchase all that expensive weight room equipment.  Herschel Walker and many other unique athletes will attest to that.


Herschel Walker Biography

More on Herschel Walker's Exercise Routine

More on Ricky Henderson's Exercise Routine

More on Pushups

1 comment:

  1. Great starting points on workouts! I could use a hefty dose of P90X and 50 more lb myself. -Bob
