Monday, June 4, 2012

Fasting for our God


      From Tuesday, May 29, 2012 until Tuesday, June 19, 2012, Many followers in Jesus Christ will be partaking in what is called the Daniel Fast.  It is to be a Fast for Marriages and Families.  Now fasting is a very scary thing because it will change the regular nutrition intake your body gets.  It becomes a mental thing as a result as well.  Plus Spiritual war is going on in your body as it always has.  Once Jesus Christ has poured himself into your heart and made his home there you feel a spiritual war going on all the time.  Its Spirit vs. Flesh.  The Flesh comes out in big annoyance during the fast more than usual.  It will bring you to the urging of wanting to put down a usual food that you can not partake in with during the fast.  It will lie, try to deceive you, annoy you with a full court press of uncomfortable sinful desires.  I have news for you... no matter what humanly possible thing you do it won't go away.  The only way out:  CRY OUT TO JESUS CHRIST!

The Daniel Fast is based on the experiences of Daniel in the book of Daniel in the Old Testament of the Bible.  To keep it simple, Daniel was a member of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility.  The King of Babylon that Daniel was going to work for wanted these stud servers to eat of royal food, wine, and anything seen as rich.  Daniel was led by God to reject that kind of food and proceeded to eat only vegetables to eat and water to drink for ten days.  While the other servers took the royal food, Daniel only had Veggies, Fruits, and water.  At the end of the ten days he was by far healthier and better nourished.  This not only won favor with God but also the the Royalness as the choice food was taken away and all they were to eat was Veggies and Water.  The King found none equal to Daniel and through this period of only eating Veggies/Fruit/Water, Daniel could understand dreams and visions of all kinds.  

  As a matter of fact Daniel became the King's "go-to-guy" over the interpretation of dreams and visions that the King had.  God gave Daniel many dreams and Visions as well and also led Daniel to the correct interpretation of his dreams, the King's dreams, and all dreams.  You see God led Daniel to do the tree shaking purging...he was to shake anything that was not of the Lord off of that tree and have himself open for everything that the Lord wanted to do with him.  Daniel had many awesome dreams and visions that God revealed to him.  In Chapter Ten (may I remind you this is the Old Testament as well) he talks about how he went three weeks eating only Veggies/fruits/water, as he gave his heart to God for food and strength.  Jesus Christ revealed himself to Daniel in Chapter Ten in an awesome vision.  I suggest you read Chapter Ten, heck, the whole Book of Daniel.  Jesus Christ revealed his glory even before he would become God in flesh as he did in the New Testament---the Gospels.  Daniel 10:7 onward for the rest of that chapter explains how it is God's saving and how in awe Daniel is.  

I myself have seen the revelation of Jesus Christ on many occasions.  Saturday Morning, February 17, 2001, I was dreaming that I was on the top bunk of my bed.  Everything seemed so dull and slightly blurred.  I faced the direction my bed's safety rail was on and I knelt on it as I was in prayer.  Well all of a sudden I started to slowly fall down forward.  As I was falling off the top bunk my knee stayed in touch with the rail and all of a sudden a super strong powerful wind stopped my forward momentum.  The wind then blew me heavenward and was so powerful that it filled inside of my body.  I was going higher and higher and all I could see was white.  Then I had gotten to the peak and saw the ground white as a cloud and a clear blue sky.  Suddenly about 40 yards ahead of me I saw a glorious, transfigured golden-person holding a staff stick.  I was thinking is that you God?  I was being raptured and I made it to Heaven.  It felt so great as the wind kept going into and through my body and the elevation of heaven was astounding.  It was great to see the glorious golden person.  After a little bit I woke up and the strong spiritual wind kind of vacuumed into my heart and the power of God and his spiritual fire made its home there.  Wow I have never felt so peaceful in my life.  This is when I was saved by Jesus Christ as he made his home into my heart, covering it with his blood to cover my sins and empowering it by his raised body.  I have seen visions from the Lord on many occasions in my walk with him.  Friday, April 1, 2011, 1:20 M PT - 2:20 PM PT after completing 1,100 Pushups on Manhattan Beach (L.A.), CA, I went to run to the coastline to celebrate and had my camera with me and when it viewed the sky it got a powerful image of the transfigured Lord (kind of similar in color from my FEB 17, 2001 vision):  view this from 10:47 - 10:56 to see the transfigured vision and cross of Jesus Christ   I had also seen an incredible vision on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 6:02 PM CT--if you view the picture above and see a transfigured cross of Jesus Christ there as well.  In all of these visions God was putting me through incredible journeys.  How glorious he is and how on fire my heart is for him through his Grace in these visions. 

Now for you facebook users the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ have gathered there and are going through this Daniel Fast.  We are praying for Marriages and Families.  Pray, Pray, Pray is what we are called to do while fasting.  I will end this with a prayer:  Heavenly Father, Thank you for saving us by the Grace of Jesus Christ.  Thank you for the revelations and awesomeness we have seen and heard through you Holy Spirit.  I just pray your love pours all over us and showers us.  Lord, I pray for any issue that needs to come to your light.  I pray that YOU be our food Holy Spirit because you will reward us for the works you complete while in us.  We pray all of this in Jesus Christ name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. This a great description of the Daniel Fast. The Lord is already moving in such a powerful way!
